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Constructing language studying apps with Compose — Half 4 | by Victor Brandalise | April 2023

Progress till the top of the thirteenth
sealed interface MyDeckListAction {
object ShowNoCardsToReviewInfo : MyDeckListAction
viewModelScope.launch {
val motion =
if (mannequin.cardsToReview else MyDeckListAction.NavigateToPractice(mannequin.deckId)

Progress till the top of 14
sealed interface CheckPracticeAnswerResponse {
knowledge class Right(val isExactAnswer: Boolean) : CheckPracticeAnswerResponse
object Incorrect : CheckPracticeAnswerResponse
enjoyable isCorrect() = that is Right

personal val charsToIgnore = Regex("[?!,.;"']")
override enjoyable checkAnswer(card: DeckCard, reply: String): CheckPracticeAnswerResponse {
val normalizedAnswer = reply.normalize()
val normalizedOutputs = card.outputs.normalize()
if (normalizedAnswer.isBlank())
return Incorrect
if (normalizedOutputs.any { it == normalizedAnswer })
return Right(isExactAnswer = card.outputs.any { it == reply })

return Incorrect

personal enjoyable String.normalize() = trim().exchange(charsToIgnore, "")
personal enjoyable Listing.normalize() = map { it.normalize() }

personal val card1 = card(
enter = "Potrebbe aiutarmi, per favore?",
outputs = listOf("Might you assist me, please?"),
enjoyable answerWithoutQuestionMarkIsCorrect() {
val reply = "Might you assist me, please"

val end result = useCase.checkAnswer(card1, reply)

assertEquals(Right(isExactAnswer = true), end result)

  • It is a crimson field for those who get it unsuitable
  • It is a inexperienced field in case your reply is fairly near the precise reply
personal enjoyable InfoBox(state: PracticeState) {
seen = state.infoText != null,
enter = fadeIn() + expandIn(initialSize = { IntSize(it.width, 0) }),
exit = shrinkOut(targetSize = { IntSize(it.width, 0) }) + fadeOut()
) {
val bgColor = state.infoBackgroundColorRes ?: [email protected]
modifier = Modifier
.background(colorResource(id = bgColor))
.padding(horizontal = 12.dp, vertical = 20.dp)
) {

Progress till the top of the fifteenth
enjoyable onAnswerChanged(reply: String) {
if (!isAnswerFieldEnabled()) return
state.reply = reply
modifier = Modifier
.onKeyEvent { onKeyEvent(it.nativeKeyEvent) }
enjoyable onKeyEvent(keyEvent: NativeKeyEvent): Boolean {
if (keyEvent.keyCode != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) return false
return true

personal val enterEventChannel = MutableSharedFlow(
extraBufferCapacity = 1,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST
viewModelScope.launch {
.accumulate { onContinue() }

enjoyable onContinue() {
if (state.infoText != null) {
} else {
class CheckPracticeAnswerUseCaseImpl @Inject constructor(
personal val wordDistanceCalculator: WordDistanceCalculator
normalizedOutputs.forEach { output ->
val distance = wordDistanceCalculator.calculate(normalizedAnswer, output)
val threshold = (output.size * WORD_DIFF_THRESHOLD).toInt()
if (distance }
Progress till the top of 16

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Updated: April 6, 2023 — 6:45 pm

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