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Customized sliders in Jetpack Compose

Mansuri Yamin

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Within the trendy world of Android app improvement, Jetpack Compose has emerged as a robust UI toolkit that gives a declarative strategy to constructing native Android apps. With Jetpack Compose, you’ll be able to create interactive and visually interesting consumer interfaces utilizing composable capabilities. On this article, we are going to discover the CustomSlider composable performance, permitting you to construct customized sliders with customized conduct and elegance in Jetpack Compose.

On this article, we are going to discover the best way to create our personal implementation of CustomSliderin Jetpack Compose. The CustomSlider permits us to position indicators under the slider and label it above the slider’s thumb. Sliders are extensively utilized in functions to permit customers to pick values ​​inside a specified vary. With CustomSlider, we will flexibly outline the conduct and look of the slider by customizing its numerous parameters.

Let’s take a better have a look at the signature of CustomSlider works and perceive its function:

enjoyable CustomSlider(
worth: Float,
onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange = ValueRange,
hole: Int = Hole,
showIndicator: Boolean = false,
showLabel: Boolean = false,
enabled: Boolean = true,
thumb: @Composable (thumbValue: Int) -> Unit = {
observe: @Composable (sliderPositions: SliderPositions) -> Unit = { sliderPositions ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Observe(sliderPositions = sliderPositions)
indicator: @Composable (indicatorValue: Int) -> Unit = { indicatorValue ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Indicator(indicatorValue = indicatorValue.toString())
label: @Composable (labelValue: Int) -> Unit = { labelValue ->
CustomSliderDefaults.Label(labelValue = labelValue.toString())
) {
// Implementation particulars

The CustomSlideraccepts a number of parameters that will let you customise the conduct and look of the slider in accordance with your necessities. Let’s discover every parameter in additional element:

  • worth: Represents the present worth of the slider. It belongs to the kind Float.
  • onValueChange: The callback operate is known as each time the worth of the slider adjustments. it takes a Float the parameter represents the brand new worth chosen by the consumer.
  • modifier: Choice Modifier lets you apply customized modifications to the looks or visible conduct of the slider.
  • valueRange: Specify the vary of values ​​the slider can obtain. It’s outlined as a ClosedFloatingPointRange.
  • hole: Signifies the house or distance between every step on the slider. This parameter determines the granularity of the values ​​that may be chosen. By default, the space is about to 1, which means there isn’t any house between steps.
  • showIndicator: A Boolean worth that determines whether or not to show indicators at every step on the slider.
  • showLabel: Boolean worth indicating whether or not to show the label above the slider’s thumb.
  • enabled: Boolean worth indicating whether or not the slider is on or off.
  • thumb: A composable operate that defines the visible illustration of the slider’s thumb. It takes the present thumb worth as the worth Int parameters.
  • observe: A composable operate that defines the visible illustration of the slider’s observe. it takes a SliderPositions parameters.
  • indicator: A composable operate that defines a visible illustration of the symptoms displayed at every step on the slider. It takes the indicator worth as the worth Int parameters.
  • label: A composable operate that defines the visible illustration of the labels displayed above the slider’s thumb. It takes the label worth as a Int parameters.

By profiting from these parameters, you’ll be able to create extremely customizable sliders that match the design and performance of your utility.

Now we now have checked CustomSlider operate’s signature and its parameters, let’s dig deeper into its implementation particulars to know the way it works.

val itemCount = (valueRange.endInclusive - valueRange.begin).roundToInt()
val steps = if (hole == 1) 0 else (itemCount / hole - 1)

On this code, we calculate itemCountvariable by subtracting the beginning worth from the top worth of valueRange.

The steps The variable is calculated based mostly on hole worth. If the space is about to 1, that’s, there isn’t any interval between steps, then steps worth is about to 0. In any other case, it’s calculated in steps based mostly on itemCount And hole. The itemCount divided by hole then subtract 1. The result’s rounded to the closest integer utilizing roundToInt() operate.

The Slider combination operate chargeable for structure and show of slider elements. It makes use of the Format composable operate to place elements accurately. Let’s take a better have a look at the code inside Slider operate:

The Format combination capabilities are used to outline customized layouts for slider components. In it, we now have outlined our label, indicator & slider components.

The measurePolicy parameter is about to custommSliderMeasurePolicy operate. This operate comprises the core logic of putting the gadgets of our customized slider. We’ll uncover custommSliderMeasurePolicy Extra detailed capabilities shortly.

The Indicator composable operate is chargeable for displaying the indicator at every step on the slider. It iterates over the vary of values ​​specified by valueRange and test if every worth is a a number of of hole. If that’s the case, an indicator is displayed utilizing the offered indicator combination operate. Here’s a piece of code inside Indicator operate:

// Iterate over the worth vary and show indicators at common intervals.
for (i in valueRange.begin.roundToInt()..valueRange.endInclusive.roundToInt() step hole) {
modifier = modifier
) {

Perform iterate over vary of values ​​from valueRange.begin ARRIVE valueRange.endInclusive use one for loop with a step equal to hole. For every worth, an indicator is displayed by calling the operate indicator operate can combination and go worth as parameter.

The Label the composable operate is chargeable for displaying the label above the slider’s thumb. Here’s a piece of code inside Label operate:

modifier = modifier,
contentAlignment = Alignment.Heart
) {

The customSliderMeasurePolicyoperate chargeable for measuring and finding inner elements CustomSlider presentation method. It calculates the width and peak of the structure, and determines the place of labels, sliders, and indicators. Let’s study the idea of setting customized slider indicators & lables.

Suppose we now have set hole to 2 and valueRange is from 0 to 10.

Step 1: Calculate the width of every part.

First, we are going to divide the width of the observe by the variety of gadgets as proven within the picture above. Assuming the width of the observe is 500dp and the variety of gadgets is 10 then the width of every part will probably be 500/10 = 50dp. So on this manner we calculated the width of every half.

// Calculate the out there width for the observe (excluding thumb radius on each side).
val trackWidth = width - (2 * thumbRadius)
// Calculate the width of every part within the observe.
val sectionWidth = trackWidth / itemCount

Step 2: Calculate the space between the symptoms.

Now we have to calculate the space between the two indices, for this we are going to multiply the width of every part by the space i.e. 2, so we are going to get 50 * 2 = 100dp.

// Calculate the horizontal spacing between indicators.
val indicatorSpacing = sectionWidth * hole

Step 3: Set the symptoms.

To set the symptoms we are going to handle indicatorOffsetXChange. We’ll initially arrange indicatorOffsetXreworkthumbRadiusin order that it begins from the observe as proven within the picture above. And now if we put our indicator right here indicatorOffsetXit’ll set somewhat to the proper as proven within the picture above. To position the indicator precisely within the center we have to divide the width of the indicator by 2 after which subtract it from indicatorOffsetX.To set all the symptoms we now have to loop by way of all the symptoms and add the space between the 2 i.e. indicatorSpacing inindicatorOffsetX.This fashion we will place all our indicators precisely under the slider values.

var indicatorOffsetX = thumbRadius
indicatorPlaceables.forEach { placeable ->
// We now have to subtract the half width of the every indicator from the indicatorOffset,
// to position our indicators on the middle.
x = (indicatorOffsetX - (placeable.width / 2)).roundToInt(),
y = labelHeight + sliderHeight
indicatorOffsetX += indicatorSpacing

Step 4: Place the label above the slider.

To position the label above the slider’s thumb, we have to multiply sectionWidthat current worth. To calculate the present worth, we are going to subtract the top worth of the slider from the beginning worth, which in our case is (6–0 = 6). We’re doing this as a result of it may be the beginning worth of valueRangedoesn’t begin at 0; for instance it might be 10f..100f.

// To calculate offset of the label, first we are going to calculate the progress of the slider
// by subtracting startValue from the present worth.
// After that we'll multiply this progress by the sectionWidth.
// Add thumb radius to this ensuing worth.
val labelOffset = (sectionWidth * (worth - startValue)) + thumbRadius
// Inside structure composable
structure(width = width, peak = peak) {
// We now have to subtract the half width of the label from the labelOffset,
// to position our label on the middle.
x = (labelOffset - (labelPlaceable.width / 2)).roundToInt(),
y = 0
// Different code

Right here is the total code of customSliderMeasurePolicy

CustomSliderDefaults used to maintain the default values ​​utilized by the customized slider. It has 4 capabilities that are thumb, observe, indicator And label. The CustomSliderDefaults very straightforward and with none issues, so I cannot clarify it on this article.

You could find the total code of CustomSlider under:

Now we now have completed creating our customized slider implementation, so let’s examine how we will use it in our tasks and customise it to our necessities.


Thanks for studying this text. You could find the total code of the creation CustomSlider This.

On this article, we have dived into CustomSlider combination operate in Jetpack Compose. We explored its parameters and discovered the best way to customise the conduct and look of the sliders in Jetpack Compose. By studying the implementation of CustomSlider performance, you’ll be able to create customized sliders that suit your utility’s design and performance necessities. Jetpack Compose empowers you to construct dynamic and interactive consumer interfaces, and sliders are only one instance of the versatile elements you’ll be able to create with it.

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Updated: July 23, 2023 — 4:43 pm

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